More Level Awards

Published 1-1-22, submitted by Amy Grandpre

Level 1 Shirt and Certificate

  • Barbara Miner
  • Mary Kryzer Johnson
  • Larry Walsh
  • Dan Yazak

Level 2 Shirt and Certificate

  • Diane Slind

Level 3 Shirt

  • Roberta Fuller
  • Elizabeth Waddington
  • Paul Scarpari
  • Steve Restad

Welcome New Participants:

     September: Kimberly and John Maynard, Christine Romans, Anna Zimmerman, Dan Yazak

            October: Janet Baniewich

            November: Richard Gamba, Vachelle Poetoehena

            December: JoAnna Nye

Meet Our New Master Gardeners

Meet Our New Master Gardeners

by Sheri Kisch & Elizabeth Waddington

A major adjustment to the Master Gardener program in 2020 was moving to solely online classes, which deprived new students the mentoring that comes from an in-person class facilitated by Level 2 and 3 Master Gardeners. Until this summer, there were few opportunities for social gatherings and group gardening activities for them to get acquainted with others. Kudos to the classes of 2020 and 2021 who persevered and are Level 1 Master Gardeners. If you are one of our newcomers, please allow us to share some information about you in the coming issues.

As we welcome our newest online learners into our group, the newsletter committee will try to include several mini interviews each issue so they become familiar faces as we gear back up to whatever the new normal will be.

Amanda Ullman

Amanda Ullman

Amanda, a lifelong resident of Billings, had been intrigued by the Master Gardener program for several years but wrangling a family of four kids under 12 puts it out of reach. However, the COVID-induced online format made it possible to participate in 2021. Her gardening interest began when her mother grew a garden which Amanda redid while in college and then moved to container gardening while renting. Amanda and her husband purchased a house a few years ago and finally had the time to dig up an in-ground garden at the beginning of COVID. She is excited to learn more about soil composition so that she can amend the sandy soil and create a vegetable garden. Amanda gets her kids to help harvest (and wishes they like to actually eat what they pick) and her three year-old refers to the garden as a “jungle” to explore. Two successes this year were converting the shaded space next to a privacy fence into a perennial border for the vegetables and growing potatoes which delighted all who helped dig them up. Her favorite plants are bulb flowers – a promise for the next spring. One special gardening story was about a shoebox seed collection from her grandmother. Say hello to new Master Gardener, Amanda, when you see her out and about.

Joseph Meick

Joseph Meick

Joseph, who has gardened everywhere he lived, has experience with the challenges of Bozeman during his college years, California, and the past 22 years in Billings. His interest in gardening came from Nebraska where his mother grew a large garden and preserved everything, and his father was a custom combiner. He is a former 4-H kid and remembers judging vegetables and winning ribbons.

He heard about the Master Gardener program in the Billings Gazette. He uses raised beds and drip irrigation and enjoys being able to pick and eat fresh vegetables every day. Joseph likes socializing and working with other gardeners. He hopes that retirement brings opportunities for travel and photography, when he is not tending raspberries and basil plants (he makes pesto which he freezes to be used year-round). Joseph’s favorite gardening tool is a butcher knife used for digging, weeding and slicing whatever. Welcome to Master Gardeners, Joseph!

Inger Tognetti

Inger Tognetti

Meet Inger, a former 4-H kid whose mother canned and preserved what her dad loved to grow in a small plot. She migrated to the U.S. when she was two years old and has lived in Portland, OR, as well as a variety of towns around Montana, where she gardened. She has been in Billings for 22 years.

Inger has always loved gardening and thought the Master Gardener program was a great way to occupy her time during the COVID lockdown. Her neighbor who is a Master Gardener also introduced her to the St. Andrew’s gardening program. In addition to some typical crops of corn, carrots, peas and kohlrabi, Inger also likes to grow Brussel sprouts, strawberries and raspberries. She is now trying her green thumb with orchids. Presently, she is renting a garden plot at St. Andrew’s Community Garden.

She is proud of the sensory garden she established, patterned after the sensory garden at ZooMontana, at the new Victor Elementary School where she taught. She also likes to read, crochet and cook. For now, traveling has been downsized to trying to visit every state park in Montana. Inger loves socializing with other gardeners and is on the beautification committee in her subdivision. Her favorite gardening advice: grow as organic as you can and grow what you like. We hope you have success with your orchids and keep pruning those neighborhood trees, Inger!

2021 Standard Flower Show in Billings

2021 Standard Flower Show

by Amy Grandpre

The Thumb-R-Green Garden Club held a Standard Flower Show on September 3rd and 4th, 2021, in the atrium of the D.A. Davidson Building in downtown Billings.

Active Master Gardeners who participated were Bob Wicks, Elaine Allard, Joyce Hendricks, Linda Streett Todd, Linda Walters, Marion Grummett, Mary Davis, Merita Murdock, Rayanne Schuler, Ron Hendricks, and Sherry Doty. Former Master Gardeners who participated were Debbi Werholz, Rosemary Power and Ruth Towe.

The show was open to all amateur gardeners to enter and show off their gardening skills. Entries were judged by a panel of judges from around Montana.

Mary Davis’ al fresco table design
Mary Davis’ 5′ floral design
Elaine Allard’s Mountain Ash “Black Hawk”
Merita Murdock’s and Marion Grummett’s entries
Youth table taught by Mary Davis and Joyce Hendricks

There were five divisions at the show:

  1. Horticulture: grown by participant
  2. Floral Designs: ranging in size from 5″–36″
  3. Education
  4. Youth
  5. Botanical arts

Yellowstone County Master Gardener Coordinator Receives Award

Amy Grandpre, Horticulture Assistant and Master Gardener Coordinator, Receives Award from MSU Extension

In 2020 Amy Grandpre was recognized by MSU Extension Service Yellowstone County for “40 Years Of Dedicated Service,” but COVID restricted opportunities to gather together to celebrate. In September, Master Gardeners and Extension staff were able to present Amy with a plaque and share stories of her success! Amy’s commitment to helping clientele with gardening, trees, lawns, bugs, and everything in between is unparalleled. Her professionalism, enthusiasm and a touch of humor make her a treasured office team member, Master Gardener Coordinator and Urban Horticulturist. Congratulations Amy!

 Leslie Idstrom, Administrative Coordinator MSU Extension Service Yellowstone County

Amy Grandpre (second from right) with her well-deserved award

4X4 Square Foot Contest Winners 2021

2021 4×4 Square Foot Garden Competition Winners by Amy Grandpre

1st Place winner: Marilyn Lockwood ($50)

2nd Place winner: Marla Patterson ($25)

3rd Place winner: Gloria Ervin ($10)

Special thanks to our distinguished judges Mary Davis, Debbie Werholz, Rosemary Power, and Marion Grummett. And special thanks to all the competitors including Charlie Hendricks, Ron & Joyce Hendricks, Brian Godfrey, and Roy Wahl. Your hard work was enjoyed by so many who took in the MontanaFair this year – a beautiful respite for weary fair goers.

Certificates and Rewards

Master Gardeners Certificates and Rewards

by Amy Grandpre

These Master Gardeners have attained their Certification or Hour rewards.

Level 1 Shirt & Certificate:

• Gina Jakupca

• Martha Redmon

• Inger Tognetti

• Stephanie Ligon

• Pam Jones

Level 2 Shirt & Certificate:

•Jo Lamey

• Patti Doble

• Joy Culver

200 Volunteer Hours (Yellowstone County Pin): 

• Charlie Hendricks

• Karen Honkomp

400 Volunteer Hours ($25): Fay Danielson

1000 Volunteer Hours ($100): Elaine Allard

1600 Volunteer Hours ($150): Joann Glasser

Congratulations Everyone!